Sustainable Hardwoods
With current management practices, our forests will last forever.
Michigan forests are one of our most precious renewable resources. They provide respite and recreation, wildlife habitat, and some of the most sought after lumber in the world. Our forests need to be healthy, diverse, and sustainably managed so that we can continue to enjoy them and to harvest our beautiful Michigan hardwoods. In fact, because of responsible and sustainable harvesting, we have more American hardwoods now than we had 50 years ago. With current management practices, our forests will last forever.
When you contact Maple Ridge Hardwoods, you can be confident that you’re doing business with a fair and transparent partner and that your land will be left in good condition for future harvests, for wildlife habitat, for recreation, and for future generations.
Maple Ridge Hardwoods has a reverence for the beauty and bounty of Michigan’s forests and is committed to responsible stewardship of them for today and tomorrow.
Click an image to view photos of forestland we have harvested.
Healthy woodlot managed by Maple Ridge Hardwoods.
Skid trail during harvest.
Main skid trail becomes an access road for the owner.
One week after harvest. Sunlight can now filter down to saplings giving them a chance to grow.
One week after harvest. Owner chose a select cut; good timber remains for future harvest.
Four months after harvest. Healthy residual stand remains while brush provides natural shelter for wildlife.
Four months after harvest. Natural skid trail.
Four months after winter harvest. Landing Area.
One year after harvest shows lush undergrowth.
Owner chose improvement cut. Ash, beech and mature maples were harvested to support healthy forest growth.
Ten years after harvest. Owner chose a heavy harvest; a healthy forest remains with lots of young trees.
Maple Ridge Hardwoods truck fully loaded with logs to haul to the mill.